Europa za građane
2021. godina
PROJECT: EU Future Challenges – Diversity is our advantage
PROJEKT: Europska unija – Budući izazovi – Različitost je naša prednost
The project «EU Future Challenges – Diversity is our advantage» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens” | |
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 “Town-Twinning” | |
Participation:The project involved 373 citizens, notably 148 participants from the city of Klanjec (Croatia),
24 participants from Sremski Karlovci (Serbia), 16 participants from Heviz (Hungary), 22 participants from Novi Sad (Serbia), 28 participants from Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 22 participants from Lupuc (Romania), 14 participants from Dolní Benesov (Czech Republic), 20 participants from Starše (Slovenia), 17 participants from Rajecke Teplice (Slovakia), 39 participants from Nikitsch (Austria), 23 participants from Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenia) Location/ Dates: The event took place in Klanjec, Croatia, from 01/10/2021 to 03/10/2021 Short description: The day of 01/10/2021 was dedicated to arrival and gathering of participants, accommodation and short informal acquaintance with refreshments before the start of project activities. On the first day, an introductory conference was held in the presence of the media and representatives of the City of Klanjec, the Mayor and the President of the City Council. There was a presentation and debate “Conference on the Future of Europe – my civic contribution to shared success” where participants were introduced to many ways they as citizens can engage in discussion and share ideas and thus contribute to shaping our common future in the EU. A digital platform was presented through which citizens, but also local institutions and civil society, can present their ideas in various fields, express their opinions, but also organize events. Participants, including younger and older generations, showed great interest in the opportunities offered by digital tools, but it turned out that they did not have enough information about the ongoing Conference. An interesting discussion “I’m not xenophobic if I’m worried citizen” was held and there was a lot of talk about the migrant crisis on the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia as participants from Bihać shared their personal experiences. At the debate “Solidarity = Inclusive Europe” there was a discussion on the protection of minority rights. Participants from Austria, Serbia and Romania spoke about their experiences as members of a national minority and the differences in the protection of human rights within and outside the EU. On the first day, a seminar was held to discuss the connection between citizens standard of living and growing Euroscepticism as well as the impact and importance of EU cohesion policy. Young participants were working on online promotion of the project, taking videos of participants and their involvement in the programme. The day of 02/10/2021 was dedicated to the seminar and debate “Elections for the European Parliament and the right of citizens to decide on the future of the EU” which was held in the rural area Lučelnica in order to encourage residents who are less likely to participate in activities of the project to engage in programme and also in civic participation that include EU elections. At the presentation “I volunteer in civil society, join me!” participants shared and exchanged their good personal experiences of volunteering in various civil society organizations to encourage others who may not yet be volunteering. The “European Green Deal” debate presented one protected area of nature in the EU and outside the EU and the differences between them. Climate change, good and bad practices in the local communities of the partners were discussed. In the school three different workshops were realized for young participants with the common theme “Xenophobia and racism are not cool”. There was a workshop on tolerance towards people of other religions, gender, political and sexual orientation. Participants viewed how intercultural exchange and this kind of citizens meetings influence acceptance of diversity. Later on the second day of meeting a public program of intercultural exchange was performed at the town square with lot of indirect participants. The day of 03/10/2021 was dedicated to debates and discussions about the future of the EU that participants would like to see, how well informed they are about EU policies and possibilities to influence them, and how much their views are formed under the influence of lobbying and interest groups within the EU. In addition to survey questionnaire, participants also discussed the extent to which they support EU enlargement and the attitude of the communities they come from, as well as whether the migration crisis is an economic threat to EU citizens. A workshop was held to evaluate the activities, results, to share testimonies of participants and to talk about opportunities for new collaborations and meetings of citizens in Klanjec, but also in other partner environments. At the final conference, joint activities on the dissemination of the results of this meeting were agreed, and a joint statement on the promotion of tolerance, solidarity, and other fundamental values on which the EU is based was signed. |
DATE: 01/10/2021 – 03/10/2021
ASSOCIATED PARTNERS: Danube 1245 Sremski Karlovci (Serbia), Mesto Rajecke Teplice (Slovakia), Mestsky urad Dolni Benesov (Czech Republic), Občina Starše (Slovenia), Musica Antiqua Ensmeble Heviz (Hungary), Asociatia uniunea democrata a Croatilor din Romania (Romania), Društvo upokojencev Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenia), KUD Hasan beg Bišćević Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Hrvatsko kulturno-prosvetno društvo “Jelačić” Petrovaradin (Serbia), Folkloregruppe Grenzland (Austria).
Project «EU Future Challenges – Diversity is our advantage» was realized from 01/10/2021 till 03/10/2021 in Town Klanjec. The project involved 373 citizens from the city of Klanjec (Croatia), Sremski Karlovci (Serbia), Heviz (Hungary), Novi Sad (Serbia), Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Lupuc (Romania), Dolní Benesov (Czech Republic), Starše (Slovenia Rajecke Teplice (Slovakia), Nikitsch (Austria) and Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenia).
The main goal of the project was aimed at strengthening civic participation in decision-making processes on the future of the EU and supporting the development of civil society and volunteering.
During the three-day meeting in Klanjec, participants got involved in more than 15 discussions, lectures, workshops, presentations and informal gatherings where they received important information on various EU policies and exchanged views on the “Conference on the Future of Europe”, “European Green Deal” and other important current challenges, such as the growing Euroscepticism, the migrant crisis, xenophobia, gender inequality and human rights abuses. The meeting showed that participants from 11 different European backgrounds, 8 of which are in the EU and three not yet, can present in tolerant discussions sometimes different views on issues important for the future of the EU, such as EU enlargement to the Western Balkans, tackling the migrant crisis, security, economic and cohesion policy of the EU. These discussions have shown that, despite sometimes differing opinions on some topics, citizens unanimously agree that the only way for the EU to develop in the future is in a direction that is desirable and acceptable to them, to insist on the fundamental values on which the EU is built, these are solidarity, respect for human rights, diversity, legal and other security.
Great interest raised very useful presentation and debate “Conference on the Future of Europe – my civic contribution to shared success” where participants were introduced to many ways they as citizens can engage in discussion and share ideas and thus contribute to shaping our common future in the EU.
Interesting workshops were held for young participants, amongst which were also some indirect participants, and were related to the topic “Xenophobia and racism are not cool”. Young participants were also working on online promotion of the project, taking videos of participants and their involvement in the program. Part of their cultural heritage participants presented during the evening program “Is European multiculturalism just an illusion? We want to show you that is not” which included a large number of indirect participants. In this way, we wanted to show how much cultural exchange can contribute to the acceptance and appreciation of diversity among members and non-EU members. The reaction of direct and indirect participants to this program once again showed that our diversity can be an advantage and that this is exactly how citizens experience it.
Given that the meeting was held in accordance with the epidemiological measures related to the Covid-19 pandemic, some activities of the discussion on the European Green Deal were held in one protected natural area near Klanjec.
The presentation “I volunteer in civil society, join me!” was held with the participation of a large number of volunteers and civil society organizations from the City of Klanjec. Participants shared and exchanged their good personal experiences of volunteering in various civil society organizations to encourage others who may not yet be volunteering.
Security, unity, solidarity and tolerance can be singled out as key words that were heard as the voice of the citizens during the activities of the fifth Europe for Citizens program realized in Klanjec.
DATUM 1.10. – 3.10. 2021.
MJESTO: Klanjec
SUDIONICI: partneri u projektu Europska unija – Budući izazovi – Različitost je naša prednost /Grad Klanjec (Hrvatska), Općina Rajecké Teplice (Slovačka), Grad Dolní Benešov (Češka), Hrvatsko kulturno-prosvetno društvo “Jelačić” Petrovaradin (Srbija), Dunav 1245, Sremski Karlovci (Srbija), Općina Starše (Slovenija), Društvo upokojencev Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenija), Musica Antuqua Ensemble Heviz (Mađarska), KUD Hasan beg Biščević Bihać (Bosna i Hercegovina), Demokratski savez Hrvata u Rumunskoj, Lupuc (Rumunjska), Folklorna grupa Grenzland, Nikitisch (Austrija)/
Glavni cilj projekta bio je usmjeren na jačanje građanskog sudjelovanje u procesima donošenja odluka o budućnosti EU te podržati razvoj civilnog društva i volontiranja.
Tijekom trodnevnog susreta u Klanjcu sudionici su sudjelovali u više od 15 održanih rasprava, predavanja, radionica, prezentacija i neformalnih skupova na kojima su dobili važne informacije o različitim EU politikama i razmijenili mišljenja o “Conference on the Future of Europe“, “European Green Deal” te drugim važnim aktualnim izazovima za budućnost EU i svakodnevni život građana EU poput rastućeg euroskepticizma, migrantske krize, ksenofobije, spolne i rodne neravnopravnosti i nepoštivanja ljudskih prava. Susret je pokazao kako sudionici iz 11 različitih europskih sredina, od kojih se 8 nalazi u EU, a tri još ne, mogu u argumentiranoj i tolerantnoj raspravi iznijeti ponekad i različite stavove o pitanjima važnim za budućnost EU poput npr. proširenja EU na države zapadnog Balkana, rješavanja migrantske krize, sigurnosti, ekonomske i kohezijske politike EU. Te su rasprave pokazale da se, bez obzira na ponekad različita mišljenja o nekim temama, građani jednoglasno slažu da je jedini način da se EU u budućnosti razvija u smjeru koji je njima poželjan i prihvatljiv da se inzistira na temeljnim vrijednostima na kojim je izgrađena EU, a to su solidarnost, poštivanje ljudskih prava, pravna i druga sigurnost te uvažavanje različitosti.
Tijekom susreta posebno se pokazala korisnom i izazvala veliko zanimanje presentation and debate “Conference on the Future of Europe – my civic contribution to shared success” where participants were introduced to many ways they as citizens can engage in discussion and share ideas and thus contribute to shaping our common future in the EU. Vrlo zanimljive radionice održane su za mlade sudionike, a u koje su uključio i dio indirektnih sudionika, a bile su vezane uz temu „Xenophobia and racism are not cool“. Young participants were working on online promotion of the project, taking videos of participants and their involvement in the programme. Part of their cultural heritage, participants presented during evening programme “Is European multiculturalism just illusion? We want to show you that is not” which included a large number of indirect participants. Na taj način željelo se pokazati koliko može kulturna razmjena pridonijeti prihvaćanju i uvažavanju različitosti među pojedinim članicama i nečlanicama EU. Reakcija izravnih i neizravnih sudionika na ovaj program još jednom je pokazala kako naša različitost može biti prednost i da ju građani upravo tako i doživljavaju.
S obzirom da je susret održan u skladu s epidemiološkim mjerama vezanim uz pandemiju Covid-19, neke su aktivnosti rasprave o European Green Deal koje su održane u jednom zaštićenom prirodnom području.
Uz sudjelovanje velikog broja volontera i organizacija civilnog društva iz Grada Klanjca koji su bili izravno uključeni u pripremu i provedbu projekta održana je the presentation “I volunteer in civil society, join me!” where participants shared and exchanged their good personal experiences of volunteering in various civil society organizations to encourage others who may not yet be volunteering.
Sigurnost, jedinstvo, solidarnost i tolerancija mogu se izdvojiti kao ključne riječi koje su se čule kao glas građana tijekom aktivnosti petog programa Europa za građane realiziranog u Klanjcu, a koji su popratili i brojni javni mediji.
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Day 1st – 01/10/2021
10:30 – opening conference and presentation and debate Conference on the Future of Europe – my civic contribution to shared success
15:00 – discussion I’m not xenophobic if I’m a worried citizen
16:00 – Our EU project web site workshop
16:00 – debate Solidarity=Inclusive Europe
18:00 seminar My view on EU cohesion policy and differences in citizens standard of living as a source of Euroscepticis
20:30 – Performance “Is European multiculturalism just illusion? We want to show you that it is not
Day2nd – 02/10/2021
9:30 – seminar and debate „Elections for the EU Parliament and citizens right to decide the future of the EU”
11:30 – presentation “I volunteer in civil society, join me! ”
14:30 – debate European Green Deal – active citizen participation
16:30 – workshop Cultural and religious dialogue leads to a stable society in the EU”
17:30 – workshop for teens “Xenophobia and racism are not cool”
20:30 – Performance „Is European multiculturalism just illusion? We want to show you that it is not!”
Day3rd – 03/10/2021
9:30 -„Our EU project web, Facebook and Twitter site workshop”
9:30 – discussion Informing without manipulation until positive changes and dialogues start happening
11:30 – debate Enlargement of the European Union – my vote for and my vote against
14:30 – debate Immigration crisis – an economic threat to EU citizens – right or wrong?
16:00 – workshop – Evaluation of activities and results
17:00 – final conference and signing the joint statement on promoting tolerance ans solidarity in EU
2020. godine
The project “Solidarity in Partnership: social and intercultural cooperation – the key to European solidarity”
European cooperation co-financed
The Wilamowice commune was once again on the list of selected applications for co-financing from the EU program “Europe for Citizens”, Action 2.1 Town Twinning. The project called “Solidarity in Partnership: social and intercultural cooperation – the key to European solidarity” will be implemented on 5.06.2020-8.06.2020.
The main objective of our project is to support the activities of local government bodies and non-governmental organizations in developing and implementing a more rational partnership policy based on the principle of solidarity, which should unite all EU countries. During conceptual workshops, together we will develop the campaign “Solidarity in Partnership – social and intercultural cooperation – the key to European solidarity”, which will emphasize the need for cooperation within the EU if we want to achieve common goals (social, economic, political). We will also develop a comprehensive agreement “Cultural Cooperation in the EU – Let’s get to know our heritage” as a signpost for the development of cultural cooperation. The participants of the project will integrate with the local community during their joint participation in the Wilamowskie Śmiergusty, the main artistic and cultural event of our region. There will be a number of performances by bands, brass bands and music groups from partner communes as well as competitions and quizzes. Debates with Eurosceptics will aim at understanding their arguments and presenting rational counter-arguments. We will deal with antimigrant rhetoric. Together we will consider whether the exit from the EU is the only way to solve the problems of EU countries. During the debate we will confront the arguments concerning the future of the EU. Do we opt for disintegration, stabilisation or further integration of the EU? This will be important for us in view of the cooperation agreements we intend to conclude.We will make a film “Seniors and young people – together we build the future of the EU” presenting talks between seniors and young people about the future of the EU. Agreements in various thematic areas concluded during the project will show that thanks to solidarity action it is possible to successfully cooperate in shaping the future of the EU without antagonisms and cultural intolerance.
Project partners:
1. Kisújszállás Város Önkormányzata – Hungary
2. Obec Horná Súča – Slovakia
3. Mesto Rajecké Teplice – Slovakia
4. Obec Kunerad – Slovakia
5. Městský úřad Dolní Benešov – Czech Republic
6. Grad Županja – Croatia
7. Grad Klanjec – Croatia
European Union support for the Wilamowice commune
We are pleased to inform you that the Wilamowice commune (from Poland) has once again received funding for the implementation of an international project entitled „Solidarna współpraca partnerska naszą przyszłością w Unii Europejskiej”. The task has been co-financed by the European Commission under the Europe for Citizens program and will be implemented on 29.08.2019-02.09.2019.
Short description of the project:
During the project, we will try to answer the question of what factors have weakened and continue to weaken the solidarity of countries in the EU and what we should do in order to restore solidarity. For many years of building solidarity on important issues among our partner municipalities, we have used the practice of creating and maintaining solidarity through very different and innovative means in the project, we will therefore stress the need for integration within the EU based on solidarity and civil liberties.
We will carry out a series of meetings of the Round Table (composed of representatives of project participants), which will develop guidelines for uniform solutions to social problems, i.e. migration, unemployment, social support for marginalised groups.
During the workshop we will get acquainted with the methods of drawing up plans, strategies and studies of social development of municipalities.
An important part of the project will be discussions on the causes of Euroscepticism and the motivations behind Euroscepticism. During the workshop we will learn about the methods of building an EU debate on Euroscepticism. In the debate, we will oppose ultra-nationalism against cultural tolerance, provoking a lively discussion.
During the discussion, we will reflect together on what we should do to rebuild solidarity between EU countries. We will consider whether a solidarity approach to various important issues such as migration can be a tool for reconstruction and development of the European project.
Intercultural cooperation will be established especially during the presentation of Polish culture and invited guests at an outdoor event called „Gminne Dożynki in Wilamowice Commune”. We will meet with NGO representatives discussing the role of NGOs in rebuilding solidarity between EU countries.
During the three meetings of the Reflection Group we will work out recommendations concerning the principles of solidarity for a better future for us.
Project partners:
- Kisújszállás Város Önkormányzata – Hungary
- Obec Horná Súča – Slovakia
- Mesto Rajecké Teplice – Slovakia
- Městský úřad Dolní Benešov – Czech Republic
- Grad Županja – Croatia
- Grad Klanjec – Croatia
- Obec Kunerad – Slovakia
- City of Bihać – Bosnia and Herzegovina
2017. godina
„Popularyzacja polityki pomocy imigrantom przez UE – partnerska kampania antyrasistowska i antyksenofobiczna”.
Gmina Wilamowice pozyskała środki na zadanie pn. „Popularyzacja polityki pomocy imigrantom przez UE – partnerska kampania antyrasistowska i antyksenofobiczna”.
Kolejny już projekt z programu „Europa dla Obywateli” został zrealizowany w dniach 1-4 czerwca 2017.
Krótki opis projektu:
Głównym celem projektu była wymiana doświadczeń pomiędzy gminami partnerskimi w dziedzinie kultury, walka ze stereotypami i uprzedzeniami rasowymi, kryzysem migracyjnym oraz korzyści płynące z członkostwa w UE.
Jednym z istotnych aspektów projektu była dyskusja dotycząca przyszłości UE, zarówno tych popierających UE jak i jej przeciwników.
Projekt promował społeczne poparcie dla polityki integracji społecznej w ramach UE, podkreślając zbiorową i indywidualną odpowiedzialność za walkę ze stereotypami i napiętnowaniem społecznym. Idee te były podkreślane podczas działań w ramach imprezy kulturalnej “Śmiergusty 2017”. Działania podczas projektu promowały wspólne wartości europejskie – wolność, demokrację i poszanowanie praw człowieka, różnorodność kulturową, tolerancję oraz solidarność.
Szczególną uwagę poświęcono imigrantom oraz osobom dyskryminowanym ze względu na płeć, pochodzenie, orientację seksualną oraz poglądy.
Grupą docelową, do której skierowany był projekt byli przedstawiciele:
– instytucji kulturalnych i oświatowych,
– władz lokalnych,
– przedstawiciele organizacji pozarządowych.
Projekt przyczyni się do upowszechnienia kampanii informacyjnych związanych z metodami pomocy imigrantom oraz przeciwdziałaniu stereotypom i uprzedzeniom.
Short description of the project:
The project aims will be promotion of equal opportunities for all, intercultural dialogue and future of the UE. Occasion to the meeting will be participating in regional fest “Śmiergusty 2017”. The project focus on fighting against xenophobia and racism, culture, the rights of EU citizens, citizens’ participation in the democratic life of the EU.
Education in our project is undoubtedly one of the priority areas for the campaign to promote tolerance. Education in our project will be intercultural. We will pay more attention to the history, geography and culture of immigrants’ countries of origin. We would like to promote combating discrimination and equal opportunity for all the inhabitants of a country, irrespective of race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or language. The result of the project will be anti-racist, xenophobic campaign, popularizing policy for immigrants conducted by the EU. At the end of the project we will sign the Agreement “Together against racism and xenophobia”.
The project involves extensive cooperation between all parties or groups that are interested and form a community in twin municipalities. Objectives of the project will be related to the debate on the future of Europe – learn about the rights and opportunities EU citizenship.
We would like to talk about Brexit and consequences for us. We will meet also with the eurosceptics which we will try to convince to the idea of the EU. During the meeting there will be workshops, discussions, seminaries etc. Guests from abroad will get to know Polish culture and customs. One of the tasks of the project will be to encourage participation in social life, in particular to volunteer.
Partnerzy Projektu:
Grad Klanjec
Grad Zupanja
Mesto Rajecké Teplice
Mestsky urad Dolní Benesov
Obec Horna Suca
2016. godina
Information template
The project «SolidEU – About solidarity in EU» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 “Town-Twinning”
Participation: The project involved 317 citizens, notably 140 participants from the city of Klanjec (Croatia), 20 participants from the city of Wilamowice (Poland), 20 participants from Rajecke Teplice (Slovakia), 29 participants from Novi Sad (Serbia), 58 participants from Občina Starše (Slovenia), 50 participants from Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenia)
Location/ Dates: The event took place in Klanjec (Croatia), from 30/09/2016 to 02/10/2016
Short description:
The day of 30/09/2016 was dedicated to arrival of participants, their gathering and dinner, movie presentation about immigration crisis in eastern Europe followed by discussion, and accommodation of participants.
MOVIE PRESENTATION was made and held by groupe of people which consisted of one representative of each association of citizens of Klanjec and representative of Center for culture. They presented key points of this project, diffrent aspects of immigration crisis – from economical, political, cultural to medical. Inspirational stories of volounteers were shared and discussed. The aim of this presentation was to introduce participants with themes of project, to expand knowledge about immigrants and problems that concern them.
The day of 01/10/2016 was dedicated to debates, workshops and international cultural show.
DEBATE “BORDERLESS”, part 1 was held in Studio Galery Antun Augustinčić where participants actively discussed immigration politics. Member of European Parliament Biljana Borzan opened the debate and talked about different attitudes of EU Member States towards migration crisis and various solutions that they propose. Participants had firm opinions about immigration crisis, emphasis was put on solidarity towards immigrants but also on finding solution to crisis in its focus.
WORKSHOP “WIRELESS”, part 2 of “Borderless” debate, took place in Zelenjak, along Croatian-Slovenian border where razor wire was put. Most of participants expressed their regret that wire is separating two EU Member States. The aim of this workshop was to bring citizens of EU States closer.
WORKSHOP “WITHOUT BULLYING AMONGST CHILDREN” – Family center of County Zagorje had an interesting presentation followed by discussion about solidarity between children and youngsters. Participants talked about importance of nondiscrimination based on disabilities, gender, race or economic standard.
INTERNATIONAL CHARITY CULTURAL SHOW on main square gathered citiziens of Klanjec and surrounding area who watched participants present ther cultural heritage. Donations were collected for immigrants by city red cross branch of Klanjec.
The day of 02/10/2016 was dedicated to workshop EU charter of fundamental rihts, excursion, cultural show and departure of participants.
WORKSHOP EU CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS – participants shared their opinions about human rights and Asylum laws in participant countries. They discussed problems that refugees experience when applying for asylum. The main aim of this workshop was reached and that is spreading the awarness of human rights in everyday life of citizens of Europe.
2014. godina
Information template
The project «European tradition for European future » was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme “Europe for Citizens”
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.1 “Town-Twinning”
Participation: The project involved 104 citizens from Klanjec, notably 20 participants from the city of Rajecke teplice (Slovakia), 47 participants from the city of Wilamowice (Poland), 44 participants from the city of Loka Rošnja (Slovenia), 10 participants from the city Bistrica ob Sotli (Slovenia)
Location/ Dates: The event took place in Klanjec, Croatia, from 03/10/2014 to 05/10/2014
The day of 03/10/2014 was dedicated to arrival of foreign participants, dinner, accomodating .The day of 04/10/2014 was dedicated to workshops (dance and ecology) cooking show, EU quiz, cultural shows, Eurocking concert. The day of 05/10/2014 was dedicated to excursion, cultural shows, EU parlament elections game.
Short description: The project European tradition for European future took place in Klanjec, Croatia, from 3rd – 5th of October 2014. It included partners from 4 countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Poland). It is a continued cooperation between polish and croatian partners (Wilamowice – Klanjec; twinned towns), but it also included new partners. Goals of the project such as exchange of opinions, cultural heritage exchange, new friendships, …are sucesfully achieved trough workshops, cooking show, debates, cultural shows, accomodating the guests in houses of citizens, excursion, concerts.. 7 events have been carried out within this project:
Dance workshop “Traditional dances of Poland, Slovenia and Croatia” : The dance groups from Wilamowice, Loka Rošnja and Klanjec gatheres in Towns hall where they showed each other dances of their region and where they made a joint choreography. It was recorded on the DVD, each participant group got one DVD on which they can remind themselves of this coreography. The aim of the event was to exchange cultural heritage trough traditional dances. The main aim was to bring people closer which was sucesfully achieved.
Tour around the Eco-path on Cesar’s hill: Participants of this workshop went on a walk around the Cesar’s hill and then when they came to the mountain home there they had a presentation of the eco project. And discussion on ecological themes. The aim of the event was to develop sense of ecology, and to teach guests of natural heritage of the region of Klanjec.
Cooking show: There were 4 teams. The aim of the event was on amusing way to show to the citizens the preparation of traditional food of each country. The participants had to cook not their own food but the food of a different country. As a help they had a mentor that explained them how to cook but on his native language, no translators allowed.
Eurocking concert
The concert lasted for 3 hours.Bends were exchanging and audience was cheering them and mingle. The aim of the event was to involve young citizens on amusing way to participate in bringing EU nations closer with music.
EU quiz, debate, parlament game
It was a debate and a game in one, in which citizens were giving their proposal of changes that need to be made in EU. The aim of the debate was to include citizens in EU politics decision process. It was both amusing and educational. Citizens shared opinions, they talked about good and bad sides of EU politics in their countries.
Excursion to Krapina neanderthal museum
Citizens gathered in the morning and some of them went on an excursion. The aim of the event was to show international participants part of the historic heritage in this area.
Cultural show
On two days of the gathering, there were held a couple of cultural shows, in the frame of an traditional event “Thanksgiving to Autumn” which was very well visited by people from this region. So a lot of people saw the dances of all this countries. The aim of the event was to show people that although we come from different countries that we have similar traditional values that we need to cherish and show to younger generations.